Update September 5:
Despite post hurricane Ida river conditions which made seaplane operations impossible, we had a nice picnic, toy seaplane launching, and group windsock raising. About 30 folks, including local pilots, friends and local residents participated in a picnic lunch. The day also included an unrelated morning flyby of a C130 over the Lazaretto and a visit by one of the local Coast Guard Auxiliary flotillas.
We will have a small picnic and windsock raising on Sunday, September 5. Debris from Hurricane Ida will inhibit seaplane operations.
Saturday, August 7, 11AM- 3PM. High tide 12:30PM. Last minute TFR Hurricane Henri
Sunday, August 22, 10AM- 4PM. High tide 1:30PM.
Sunday, September 5, 10AM-2PM. High tide 12:30PM.
Note: The event is expected to continue with a seaplane exemption in case of a Presidential TFR. TFR recommendations here

We are planning a Splash-In and lunch at the Essington Seaplane Base on August 21. If you think you might fly in, we’d love to know. mailbox@phillyseaplanebase.com
Pilots: The floating doc in good shape to accommodate a couple aircraft. The gravel ramp is getting new river rock and being smoothed. It will be in good shape during mid to high tide. High tide is around 12:30AM on Sunday, so the best window is 10:00AM-3:00M for anything other than a tailwheel amphibious.
See more info on flight patterns under “Base Info“. We will monitor 122.9.

Max wing clearance is 54 ft (to flagpole) and 44ft (to the 4ft high walkway)