Day Three... 

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After breakfast at Shoney's and a seven dollar cab ride to the Marina, we prepared our aircraft for departure. While Bob checked the aircraft, I schlepped 30 gallons of fuel, 10 gallons at a time from thier fuel dock to our dock. 35 minutes later, and with a large audience looking on, we pushed back away from the dock, started our aircraft, and taxied through the marina for departure.

Same as the previous two days, the sky was clear, visibility unrestricted; however, today we finally had a 15 MPH tailwind! With the help of the wind, we were quickly airborne. After giving our audience a farewell salue, we turned southwest toward our next stop, Jeckyll Island, GA.

At our blistering pace of 88 MPH, the 90 mile seemed to fly by quickly. Arriving at Jeckyll Island, we did not find the "great beaches" as advertised in the airport directory. Instead, we beached on what appeared to be a clam shell dumping area just west of the airport. We fueled both aircraft and were quickly airborne.

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